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   Tomatis Method ® (AUDIO-PSYCHO-PHONOLOGY)


Tomatis Method is most famous auditory stimulation therapy in the world created by A. Tomatis, MD (1920-2001) ENT doctor.

This method uses the music of Mozart (Mozart Effect *) broadcast by the electronic ear producing a change of sound frequencies. With a specific headset, the sound vibrations stimulate the inner ear and brain.

This harmless method has demonstrated beneficial effects in outfits problems and conditions: Learning Disabilities, Speech disorders, attention, communication, ASD, ADHD. In addition, beneficial results were obtained in the reduction of anxiety, personal development, and preparation for childbirth.

This method is already there 50 years was assessed by 33 scientific and clinical research studies. It treats 50,000 people each year worldwide. Many insurance companies in Europe are willing to pay the cost due to its good results and its clinical and scientific credibility. In Poland, the Ministry of Education in Poland had implemented the Tomatis method in hundreds of schools.


PianoArt and Tomatis Method:


PianoArt offre Tomatis Méthode grâce à des séances de groupe (quatre participants maximum chacun) selon un programme établi. Ces sessions seront livrées en deux phases de 30 heures chacune, séparées par un intervalle d'un mois.

La date de début est déterminée lorsque le nombre de participants d'un groupe soit terminé.

Une formule d'évaluation devrait être établie avant la date du début.

Activités d'arts visuels et de yoga accompagneront l'écoute de musique.

Ces séances auront lieu dans un endroit spacieux et confortable au centre-ville.
Coût: 30 $/heure


*A set of research results indicating that listening to Mozart's music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks.

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